Once again, we rest under the waxing gibbous moon. The spring sky welcomes back the ancient constellations of Hydra -The Sea Serpent, Ursa Major-The Great Bear, Leo-The Lion & several others. The sky is a reminder of our pure potentiality. We are a beautiful being of light, shining infinitely.
Setting intentions is a natural process. It is practiced in many different areas of our lives: career, family and relationships, to name a few. Some intentions are created automatically, based on expectations of others; Some are related to culture and still others can be based on habits. These intentions will grow, wither, twist and turn. When we bring awareness of something greater than ourselves into the intention planning, we begin to gain a new perspective about our purpose.
This Saturday, April 16th we will welcome the quiet light of the full moon. Set aside time to reflect. In what ways have you become more aware of the deepness of your intentions? Have you been able see things with a different perspective? Are you being inspired by the natural rebirth of nature as we grow into spring?
This is a time to nurture all that is supporting you. If you feel in limbo about anything, add a little extra care to see if a change in perspective is needed. How is ego affecting perspective? You are co-creator of your life; you have the ability to make positive changes.
“Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the world.” - Rumi