Gemini brings a lot of different energies to the new moon phase. Our mind may be going one way and our heart another. Communication is very important during this time to help us not only stay focused and grounded but also to encourage curiosity. Often when we think of communication it is in our relationship to others. Perhaps the focus should be on our inner communication between heart and mind.
Take a moment and think about all the dialogue that takes place within your mind on how you are going to approach someone about a certain subject. All the dialogue in your mind about how that person may feel about what you say, how you may feel after the words are spoken. Feel the ego-based emotions that are connected to these thoughts. Feel your energy! How does this feel in your heart, your gut? Is there conflict or harmony? Be curious! Explore the why!
Perhaps you can take a moment and close your eyes. Take 3 slow deep breaths and think of a time when you were confident that you had made a right decision. You felt support all around you. Try to remember your inner energy. How did your heart feel? How did your mind engage with others when you shared your intention? Did the words flow easily, was your body language light and welcoming? Was your enthusiasm contagious? Did you have an inner knowing that heart and mind were aligned?
This alignment can happen automatically. At other times the external chatter of your mind may have a stronger hold depending on the energy it carries. Perhaps you can take another moment, close your eyes, breath 3 slow deep breaths. Be curious about the topics that are taking up space within your mind. Is there a sense of a loving energy around them? Are they anchored in the heart? Is there a sense of anxiety or self-doubt? Are they seeping in from the external chatter around you?
Perhaps the journey we are on is not a journey of finding oneself or purpose, perhaps its a journey to embrace the natural gifts within our hearts. I encourage you to take one more moment, close your eyes, & take 3 slow deep breaths… Ask yourself: What are my natural gifts? What is it that I am lovingly passionate about? Now ask yourself: What is the external chatter that often hold me back?
When ready, set the following intention in writing:
I will be curious and encourage communication between heart and mind, feeling the supportive energies around me. I will embrace my natural gifts, ignoring the external chatter of the mind.